Billing FAQs
How will I be billed?
The anesthesia services bill is separate from the surgical and hospital fee. Your insurance will be directly billed for our services (if the procedure is covered by insurance). In some cases, the patient will never see the bill for our services. In others, there may be a co-payment or deductible due.
How often does MPAS send statements?
You will receive a statement once a month if you have an outstanding balance.
What happens if I cannot make the payment in full?
Please contact our office to set up a monthly payment plan.
What kind of financial assistance do you offer?
MPAS will honor the financial assistance from OhioHealth, or from the facility where your procedure was done.
How do I get an estimate for an upcoming procedure?
Please contact MPAS with the surgical procedure code(s) and an estimated length of time the surgeon anticipates the procedure will take.
Why am I being billed from your office when I have never been there?
MPAS is a private anesthesia practice. MPAS providers perform services at multiple locations. Your monthly bill will be coming from the main billing office on Reed Road in Columbus, OH.
How can I pay my bill?
You may mail your payment, call the office, or go to mpasohio.com and select “Make a Payment” in the top right of our website.
Will I be charged a fee for paying with a credit card?
No, MPAS does not charge a card processing fee. If a fee is shown, please contact our office before submitting your payment.
Why am I getting calls from a collection agency?
MPAS uses an outside collection agency for delinquent accounts that go through our billing process and remain unpaid.
For questions, please call the MPAS Billing Department at 614-884-0641 or toll free 866-300-6019 or email billing@mpasohio.com